Punch Cards

What is a punch card?

A photo punch card is a set of brand & business photography hours that you purchase in advance. Purchasing the hours in bulk reduces your overall costs compared to paying for each session hour as needed. This also creates a more seamless transaction between us because you won’t have to inquire about current rates or pay an invoice each time we work together.

Photo Punch Card hours are good for 1 year from time of purchase. The hours are applied to shooting time, editing is included. Unclaimed hours after 1 year cannot be refunded.


Who is it for?

This is for the business that needs brand & business photography frequently and would benefit from a bulk rate.
This is also perfect for the business that wants a cohesive look across their media.

For example, a fashion brand purchased the 12hr punch card. They used it for 6 sessions:

  1. 1hr product shoot in studio. Different angles of 12 products. Some shots styled together. About 40 images delivered.

  2. 1hr lifestyle product shoot on location. 14 products. 4 models. About 120 images delivered.

  3. 45min product shoot in studio. Different angles of 3 products. About 30 images delivered.

  4. 5hrs product shoot on location. Catalog style shots of several models wearing all pieces of a new collection. About 250 images delivered.

  5. 2hrs 15min lifestyle shoot on location. 5 models wearing all pieces of a new collection. About 130 images delivered.

  6. 2hrs stop-motion work. A 30 second stop-motion clip delivered.


How does it work?

You decide whether you need 6, 12, or 24 hours of photography that you can claim as needed throughout the year. Contact me and let me know of your selection. I’ll send you a proposal with the terms and invoice attached based on which Photo Punch Card you choose. From there you contact me as needed for brand & business photography sessions and claim your hours. Each month I’ll send you an email letting you know how many hours have been claimed and how many are remaining. You can claim as few or as many hours as needed throughout the year your Photo Punch Card is valid for. When you’ve used up your hours, you’ll be able to re-purchase a new set of hours or you can continue working with me as needed at whatever my current full hourly rate is. You may also re-purchase a Photo Punch Card before your hours are all claimed if you know you’ll be using more and want to keep the same rate.

If your punch card hours run out in the middle of a shoot, the hours outside of your punch card will be billed at whatever my current full hourly rate is. For example, if you book a session that lasts 2 hours and you had 1 hour left on your Photo Punch Card, you’ll be billed for 1 hour at my current hourly rate.

Punch Card Options


24 hour punch card


24 hours of brand & business photography to claim as needed within 1 year of purchase. Rate includes taxes. Breaks down to $204/hr including tax! Saving you over $120/hr for a total savings of $2900!

12 Hour Punch Card


12 hours of brand & business photography to claim as needed within 1 year of purchase. Rate includes taxes. Breaks down to $225/hr including tax! Saving you over $100/hr for a total savings of $1200!

6 Hour Punch Card


6 hours of brand & business photography to claim as needed within 1 year of purchase. Rate includes taxes. Breaks down to $266/hr including tax! Saving you over $58/hr for a total savings of $350!


  • Editing is included. You only claim your hours for shoot time.

  • You do not need to be located in southern Utah to purchase a photo punch card. For example, I have a product client based in San Francisco. They send me their products and claim the hours as needed for different campaign media they need.

  • Yes, you can claim hours for video work, but I’m not a videographer. I will be very transparent with you about what is and what isn’t in my wheelhouse. I can do some basic video work and stop-motions (which are actually photos compiled into a video or gif). For other projects, I’ll refer you to some talented videographers.

  • This depends on many different factors, I go over them a bit more and show examples in this blog post.

  • Yes. The more prepared and organized you are before the shoot, the better. If you come prepared with a shot list, props/setups organized by shot, models ready, your products clean, etc… then we’ll be able to get your shot list completed in a fraction of the time. Basically, the more decisions we have to make in the moment = less time shooting. Another hot tip is to get help. A stylist is great for styling product scenes. A project or brand manager is ideal, especially for bigger projects. They will organize the models, location, props, and make sure everyone is doing what they need to get your shot list completed. These humans are my favorite. One of my clients always has a project manager on set and it makes the entire session a smooth experience no matter how chaotic things can get. If you’d like her involved in your project, let me know.

  • Contact me to get started. I can only offer a limited amount at a time, so you might be placed on a waiting list.